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Trik Recycle Neobux Refferals : Cara Terbaik Menaikan AVG referral

Neobux, situs yang sudah pasti dikenal oleh pebisnis online terutama dalam dunia PTC. Selain karena payout nya yang instan dan relatif kecil ($2), pengamanan situs ini juga sangat ketat yaitu dengan enkripsi 128bit. Bagi anda yang belum tahu tentang PTC, silahkan baca artikelnya dengan cara KLIK DISINI , dan bagi anda yang belum terdaftar sebagai member dari neobux silahkan KLIK DISINI untuk mendaftar.

Salah satu kunci sukses dalam berbisnis di PTC yaitu dengan memiliki banyak referral. Tapi jika anda kurang mahir dalam me-manage referral-referral anda, saya yakin lama kelamaan anda pasti akan bangkrut. Saya akan coba membagikan hasil rangkuman yang saya dapatkan dari para member neobux senior yang mau berbagi pengalaman mereka tentang trik recycle rented referrals dalam neobux yang merupakan cara terbaik untuk menaikan avg referral yang turun drastis.
Apa itu neobux recycle referrals??

Recycle referral adalah menukarkan referral yang telah kita punya dengan referral yang baru, tujuannya adalah untuk mengganti referral yang malas bekerja dengan referral baru yang mungkin lebih aktif dari referral sebelumnya. Biaya untuk recycle itu sendiri adalah sebesar $ 0.008 / referral. Banyak orang yang merasa malas untuk me-recycle referral mereka yang tidak aktif karena mereka selalu merasa takut kehilangan lebih banyak uang, padahal perkiraan mereka itu salah. Telah banyak bukti bahwa dengan me-recycle referral yang tidak aktif dapat mambantu kita setidaknya mencapat break even point (titik balik modal) bahkan sampai bisa mendapat keuntungan modal lebih.

Adapun tips dalam me-recycle neobux referral dalah sebagai berikut:
1. Recycle lah referral anda yang samasekali tidak aktif selama tiga hari berturut-turut. Saya yakin neobux rented referral adalah robot yang teah di setting sedemikian rupa, dan yakinlah jika selama tiga hari mereka tidak klik satu iklan pun, mereka telah pensiun untuk memberikan keuntungan kepada anda.
2. Khusus bagi anda para standard member, recycle pula referral yang memiliki avg dibawah 2. Karena 2 adalah titik dimana anda akan mendapat keuntungan dari menyewa referral tersebut. Buat apa anda menyewa referral kalau ujung-ujungnya anda sendiri yang rugi.
3. Pantaulah kinerja dari referral anda satu-persatu setiap hari, lebih baik me-recycle referral anda satu persatu daripada sekaligus dalam jumlah banyak karena anda akan tahu perkembangan dari hasil recycle anda.
4. Gunakan fitur "flag" atau bendera untuk mengelompokan referral anda, misalnya tandai referral yang sangat aktif dengan bendera warna hijau, atau referral yang lumayan malas dengan bendera warna kuning, sehingga perkembangan mereka benar-benar terkontrol.
5. Jangan me-recycle referral pada hari libur, neobux mengatur referral mereka agar terlihat seperti benar-benar member manusia yang berusaha mendapat keuntungan dari situs tersebut, dan biasanya jika anda me-recycle referral anda pada hari libur, maka anda akan mendapatkan referral yang tidak aktif selama beberapa hari agar referral baru tersebut terlihat seperti sedang berlibur.
6. Jangan pernah menunggu recycle gratisan dari neobux. harus diketahui, Neobux memiliki referrals Policy dimana jika seorang referrals tidak melakukan click selama 14 hari setelah kita sewa, maka NeoBux akan me-recycle nya secara otomatis. Ini merupakan suatu jebakan yang harus kita hindari. sekali lagi saya ingatkan, referral dari neobux adalah robot yang memiliki siklus klik yang telah di setting. Jika anda mengharapkan recycle gratis, maka anda akan melewatkan poin 1 dan 2. sehingga anda sudah bisa dipastikan mengalami kerugian.

Mungkin hanya itu saja untuk sekarang, jika ada update pasti akan saya post di artikel saya yang selanjutnya. Jika ada suatu hal yang terlewat atau anda ingin menambahkan, silahkan isi pada kolom komentar. Terima kasih, semoga sukses dan bermanfaat.


Neobux bisa membuat orang kaya mendadak

NeoBux merupakan situs PTC terpercaya dan terbukti membayar dan menawarkan sesuatu yang beda, yaitu waktu pembayaran yang sangat singkat. kamu tidak perlu menunggu lama untuk melakukan payout.
Ini cocok buat yang hobi online, sambil nunggu loading mending klik iklan..
Payout minimal: 2 $ untuk request pertama & meningkat 1 $ untuk setiap request berikutnya hingga max 10 $ (instant), Pembayaran melalui Alertpay dan Paypal, dan Perklik iklan $0.02

Program yang begitu menjadi sorotan di awal tahun 2008, sistem instant payoutnya membuat program-program PTC lainnya nampak bodoh menggelikan, itu kata orang loh!. Salah satu program PTC tercanggih & terprofesional yang pernah ada.

Catatan: Klik minimal 4 link iklan per hari untuk mendapatkan pendapatan optimal dari jumlah klik yang dilakukan oleh seluruh referral anda. Karena pendapatan dari referral kita ditentukan sepenuhnya oleh jumlah klik yang kita lakukan pada hari sebelumnya.

PENTING!: Kira kira sekitar tanggal 20 februari 2009 kemarin, neobux menampilkan sistem login baru yang lebih canggih, namun sayangnya hal ini justru mengakibatkan banyak orang menjadi kesulitan untuk login karena loading halaman yang menjadi terlalu berat. sedikit tips dari saya untuk mengatasi hal ini yakni dengan mengunjungi halaman forum mereka terlebih dahulu (linknya ada di bagian kanan atas) setelah di halaman forum barulah coba mengklik link login.

Penjelasan Sistem referral terbaru neobux:
Standard member kini hanya di perkenankan memiliki maksimal 30 referral (downline), meski demikian batas maksimum referral ini dapat meningkat seiring berjalannya waktu kita terdaftar di neobux di bagi 4 ditambahkan batas maskimum referral yang dapat kita miliki, Berlaku setelah minimal registrasi 30 hari dan telah melakukan minimal 100 klik iklan.

Rekan-rekan telah terdaftar di neobux selama 4 bulan (sekitar 120 hari), & telah melakukan lebih dari 100 klik iklan, maka batas maksimum referral yang dapat rekan rekan miliki menjadi: 120/4 + 30 = 60 referral

Sekedar informasi saja, secara default batas minimum referral dasar yang bisa kita miliki di tentukan juga oleh status keanggotaan yang kita miliki saat ini:

-Standard: 30
(Setelah kita aktif selama minimal 1 bulan di neobux, anggap saja ini sebagai proses magang)
- Pioneer: 60
- Golden: 200
- Golden+Pioneer: 250
- Golden/Emerald: 300
- Golden/Sapphire: 300
- Golden/Platinum: 400
- Golden/Diamond: 400
- Golden/Ultimate: 800

Sementara sistem pembagian untuk penambahan batas maksimum referral:Standard/pioneer: jumlah hari kita terdaftar di bagi 4Golden: jumlah hari kita terdaftar di bagi 2Golden (+): jumlah hari kita terdaftar di bagi 1, ok , sekarang kalau yang belum mendaftar silakan mendaftar disini


Kenapa harus Neobux jadi No. 1 di dunia??

Kunci yang terpenting yang dipegang oleh Neobux adalah :

INSTANT PAYMENT yaitu kecepatan pembayaran yang langsung masuk dan diproses dengan cepat hingga berada di rekening Paypal, Alertpay atau Neteller kita sebagai membernya.

Faktor inilah yang hingga saat ini tidak dapat diimbangi oleh ptc-ptc lain yg sejenis, biarpun ptc yg lain tampilannya sangat memukau,mempesona, menggiurkan dan seakan-akan exclusive,canggih dan modern serta berteknologi tinggi tetapi dalam hal permintaan pembayaran tersendat atau ada trouble maka tunggu saja saatnya ptc tersebut akan jatuh dan berakhir dengan SCAM

Pertanyaan berikutnya yang sering terlontar apakah Neobux akan tetap bertahan? Maka utk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut mari kita sedikit berhitung dengan matematika sederhana. Apakah faktor yang bisa menjadikan Neobux tetap bertahan? Ada yang bilang dananya, mungkin benar, ada yg bilang neobux banyak atau multibisnis ini juga mungkin benar, tetapi sebenarnya yg menjadikan Neobux tetap kuat dan bertahan hingga kini dan nanti terletak pada ANDA sebagai MEMBER neobux. Sekali lagi saya ulang Kekuatan Utama Neobux terletak pada MEMBERS nya (Sumber Daya Manusianya). Dellyjones ngarang nih hahahah…! Jawaban saya dengan tegas saya berani bilang TIDAK saya sedang memaparkan suatu fakta. Apa itu?

Menurut sumber yang datang dari berbagai macam kita coba memproporsionalkan semuanya.

1.Members Neobux anggaplah sekarang ada sekitar 6 juta orang seluruh dunia
2.Member yang aktif hanya klik saja misal 2 juta orang
3.Members yang concern dan fokus 150 ribu orang
4.Members yang upgrade Golden 10 ribu orang
5.Members yang upgrade Golden Pack 1000 orang

Nah disinilah letak kekuatan dari bisnis ptc Neobux, sebelumnya orang beranggapan ptc itu tergantung dari iklan, benar waktu dulu, sekarang tidak, mengapa tidak? Semenjak neobux muncul dan mendobrak segala macam tradisi ptc dari pembayaran secara cepat (instant payment) hingga memperkenalkan penggabungan sistem sewa refferal dan direct refferal, ditambah penerapan sistem upgrade bertingkat yg tergabung dalam Golden Pack ini merupakan sistem yang sangat mutakhir dan dahsyat dikarenakan memiliki fitur2 yang sangat lain dengan konsep ptc2 lain. Baik saya buka sekarang.

Jika dengan perhitungan secara kasar dan berandai-andai seperti diatas maka pemasukan neobux dari upgrade Golden Pack adalah :

Anggap golden pack yg dipilih adalah atau yg sangat diminati yaitu Ultimate, maka perhitungannya adalah sbb:

1000 Ultimate X $890 = $890.000 (kurs $1=9300) artinya penghasilan neobux dari post ini adalah $890.000 X Rp.9300 = Rp. (Delapan Milyar Dua Ratus Tujuh Puluh Tujuh Juta Rupiah)

Dan jangan lupa setiap Ultimate harus mengupgrade terlebih dahulu menjadi Golden dengan biaya sebesar $90/tahun per orang jadi pemasukan lain dari kelompok ini utk neobux adalah :

1000 Ultimate X $90 = $90.000 (kurs$1 = Rp.9300) artinya tambahan pemasukan utk neobux dari post ini adalah $90.000 X Rp.9300 =Rp.837.000.000 (Delapan Ratus Tiga Puluh Tujuh Juta Rupiah)

Melangkah ke post berikutnya yaitu members Golden yg kita tadi berandai-andai ada sekitar 10 ribu orang dari seluruh dunia tetapi di luar yang ikut Golden Pack, ya seperti saya dan kawan2 lain yang ikut kontes goldennya bro Psugiono yang baru lalu.

10.000 X $90 = $900.000 X Rp.9300 = Rp.8.370.000.000 (Delapan Milyar Tiga Ratus Tujuh Puluh Juta Rupiah)

Luar biasa bukan? Dari tiga perhitungan berandai-andai ini saja kita sudah mendapatkan hasil sbb :

1.Hasil dari Ultimate Rp.,-
2.Hasil dari keanggotaan Golden dari Ultimate Rp.837.000.000,-
3.Hasil dari keanggotaan dari member Golden Rp.8.370.000.000,-

Total yang didapat oleh neobux dari post ini saja adalah : Rp.17.484.000.000,- (Tujuh Belas Milyar Empat Ratus Delapan Puluh Empat Juta Rupiah) wow fantastic!!!...

Apa timbal baliknya? Apakah para Ultimate mendapatkan barang seharga 9 juta rupiah? Atau golden mendapatkan handphone seharga 900 ribu rupiah? Tidak sama sekali tidak bahkan sertifikatpun tidak yang ada sebagai bentuk biaya pengurang (cost)adalah :

1.Ultimate 15 iklan/hari X 365 hari = 5475 iklan X $0,02 = $109,5 /tahun X Rp.9300 = Rp.1.018.350 X 1000 Ultimate = Rp.1.018.350.000,- (Satu Milyar Delapan Belas Juta Tiga Ratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah)
2.Golden 9 iklan/hari X 365 hari = 3285 iklan X $0,01 = $32,85 X Rp.9300 = Rp.305.505 X 10.000 Golden = Rp.,- (Tiga Milyar Lima Puluh Lima Juta Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah)

Bila dijumlahkan adalah Rp.1.018.350.000 + Rp.,- = Rp. 4.073.400.000,- (Empat Milyar Tujuh Puluh Tiga Juta Empat Ratus Ribu Rupiah)

Sehingga Nett income dari keanggotaan keduanya yang diperoleh neobux adalah :

Rp. 17.484.000.000 – Rp.4.073.400.000,- = Rp.13.410.600.000,- (Tiga Belas Milyar Empat Ratus Sepuluh Juta Enam Ratus Ribu Rupiah) per tahun

Apakah berhenti sampai disini? Tidak ingat neobux menjual produk yang lain dengan sistem sewa (rented) yaitu Rented Refferal yang harganya bervariasi dari jenjang member Standard hingga member yang berposisi sebagai Ultimate dan tergantung juga dari berapa banyak jumlah refferal yg mereka sewa, coba anda hitung sendiri menggunakan program excel, betapa fantastisnya neobux mendapatkan income dari fitur2 ini antara lain :
1.Rented Refferal
2.Recycle (penggantian refferal sebesar $0,07 per reff)
3.Renew (Extended) atau perpanjangan
4.Melepas RR yang kita punya dari $0,02 hingga $0,06 per Refferal

Belum lagi dari pemasang iklan tetap yang sudah menjadi partner bisnisnya neobux sendiri seperti FapTurbo, Etoro, Survey bla, bla, bla dan juga pemasang iklan temporer seperti iklan2 yg kita dapatkan sewaktu kita hunting iklan di neobux yg biasanya muncul sewaktu-waktu, dari situ saja kita bisa melihat seberapa kuat dan kemungkinan neobux ini akan tetap eksis utk masa2 yang akan datang.


Cara Mendapatkan Referral PTC

Kunci sukses dalam mendapatkan banyak uang dari PTC adalah dengan mengumpulkan referrals sebanyak-banyaknya. Semakin banyak referrals berarti semakin besar pendapatan perhari nya dan berarti juga semakin cepat payout yang bisa kita dapatkan. Namun, ternyata mencari para pengikut ini tidak semudah yang kita pikirkan karena kita harus berkompetisi dengan orang-orang lain yang juga gila main PTC. Ada beberapa tips (sebagian tips saya dapat pada saat googling) yang bisa dipraktikkan untuk mendapatkan referralmu.
1. Website/Blog
Buat blog seperti blog ini atau website dan cantumkan referral linkmu disitu. Berikan sedikit penjelasan mengenai PTC yang ingin dipromosikan seperti berapa nilai kliknya, minimum payout, cara pembayarannya, dll. Setelah membuat website/blog mu, hal selanjutnya yang harus dilakukan adalah mencari traffic dan mendatangkan pengunjung. Kalian bisa memberikan update berita PTC agar visitor mu terus datang ke blog/website mu seperti yang dilakukan oleh Blog ini

2. Forum
Asiknya sebuah forum adalah kita dapat menemukan suatu komunitas yang besar sebagai tujuan promosimu. Kita bisa memposting sebuah topik dengan referral link mu di dalamnya, menulis referral link di signature, atau mempromosikan website/blog kalian. Pastinya kita harus jadi member yang aktif dan dapat dipercaya, bukan hanya spamming doank.

3. Promosikan kepada orang-orang yang kita kenal
Kalian bisa menceritakan bisnis PTC ini ke keluarga, teman, atau siapapun yang kalian kenal. Bila mereka tertarik mungkin saja mereka akan menjadi referral kita.

4. Memberi cashback
Ada banyak orang yang menawarkan cashback dalam PTC untuk menarik minat orang-orang agar mau menjadi referral nya. Bahkan ada juga orang yang berani memberi cashback sampai dengan 100% seperti yang dilakukan oleh GPTbank. Dulu saya juga menjadi referral dia karena cashback nya benar-benar terasa. Kalian juga bisa ikut memberi cashback agar orang-orang tertarik untuk jadi referral kalian. Tapi, jangan sampai nggak bayar mereka yah. Huehe..

5. Email
Kirim email ke tiap orang yang ada di list contact mu, tentunya jangan spamming dan dengan etika yang baik

6. Live chat programs
Promosikan bisnis PTC kepada komunitas online Anda. Sekali lagi tentunya dengan jujur dan etika yang baik

7. Promosi di PTC atau website sejenis
Kalian juga bisa juga menjadi advertiser di PTC yang kalian ikuti dan mengiklankan PTC lainnya. Dari pengalaman saya cara ini cukup baik untuk dilakukan.

8. Ikut program mendapatkan referral
Ada banyak program yang menawarkan jasa untuk membantu kita mencari referral seperti GetRef.com dan kalian bisa mencoba cara ini. Tapi, saya tidak terlalu menyarankan cara ini dikarenakan referral yang didapat dari sini kebanyakan tidak aktif.

9. Membeli referral dari PTC
Bila kalian mempunyai cukup uang, kalian bisa saja membeli referral dari PTC yang telah diikuti. Namun, jangan memakai uang dapur karena berinvestasi di PTC sangat beresiko.

Importance Of Ppc Marketing And How To Easily Master It

Internet marketing discussions has taken lots of spaces especially when the ease with which many earn better living through it come up for debate. One of the most effective ways of earning income through the internet is by engaging in Pay Per Click or PPC advertising. For any internet marketer to benefit from Pay Per Click marketing, there are some fundamental issues the person should be aware of.

Google Adwords, which is currently the leader in PPC marketing, provides tones of valuable resources for its numerous clients. There is absolute no way you can succeed in PPC advertising if you arent ready to learn it, master it and persistently do what you learn!
Getting clicks to your PPC ads can be quite easy but converting these clicks is a different ball game. The need for any PPC advertiser to master ways of limiting his or her target keywords to attract only those who are in desperate need of what they are offering shouldnt be over emphasized. Remember that as the name connotes, you would be paying for any click at your PPC campaigns. So it will be considered a waste of time and advert money if you just come up with popular keywords and start using them in your PPC adverts without considering if those using such keywords are potential paying customers or those that are looking freebies online. Keeping the adgroups focused should be any advertisers fore point while setting up PPC marketing campaign. In order to prevent most of the untargeted clicks, the Pay Per Click advertise should ensure that their keywords and adgroups are short so as to increase their relevance.

Dont forget to place your ads in square brackets to ensure that your ads only shows up in the search engine when the exact phrase you used is typed by the information seeker. Some PPC merchants such as Google offer you the unique opportunity of running two adgroups simultaneously. This helps the advertiser because he or she can set up two different adgroups with different keywords and watch the results of the two. The one that is bringing the most needed result will be kept running and the other that isnt doing well will either be terminated or refined.

Ensure that you make proper use of both the singular and plural versions of your keywords for effective targeting. This will be followed by comprehensive check of the entire adgroups or PPC campaigns few days later to ascertain the level of click-through rate and the general performance of the ads. These are all vital if one wants to learn about PPC advertising without tears.

The timing of the PPC campaign is another important consideration you may likely not learn from Google PPC lessons or other PPC tutorials. There are certain periods of the year an advert will do better than others. Depending on what you are promoting, end of year/ beginning of the year is always a lucrative period for most advert campaigns. Learn all you can about PPC before you start.



Cara Menghilangkan Tanggal pada Posting Blog

Dalam setiap posting yang dibuat selalu disertai dengan tanggal publishnya.Bagi sebagian orang tanggal pada postingan adalah sangat penting sebagai bagi para pembaca.Namun ada juga yang tidak menginginkan tanggal tersebut.Pada Tutorial Blog kali ini tentang cara menyembunyikan tanggal postingan dengan menggunakan kode tertentu.Cara menghilangkannya adalah sebagai berikut.
1.Login pada Blogger.
2.Klik Layout pada Dashboard.

3.Pada Layout klik Edit HTML dan centang Expand Widget Template.
4.Temukan kode seperti dibawah ini.
h2.date-header {
margin:1.5em 0 .5em;
5.Ganti kode tersebut dengan kode dibawah ini.
h2.date-header {
margin:1.5em 0 .5em;
Pada dasarnya dengan penambahan kode display:none;adalah untuk menyembunyikan kode date header.Bila anda ingin menampilkan kembali tanggal posting, hilangkan saja kode display:none;
Selamat mencoba.


3 Timely Online Business Ideas

Promoting products that are in demand is one of the keys to making money on the Internet. In this article we will discuss three online business ideas that are working well for people right now. It will be up to you to work in the products for these specific ideas.

1. Provide a service for other Internet marketers. There are many Internet marketers catching on to this idea.

However there are many services on the Internet that need more Internet businesses to take care of them. Blog writing is a perfect example of this.

Even if there are thousands of blog writers available right now they could never provide all the needed blog content. There are literally millions of blogs online right now that need the content added to them and the owners are too busy to do it.

Blog writing is just as about as good as it gets if you want a timely Internet business. Their other online services that are in demand right now to. All you have to do is spend a little time researching to come up with them.

2. Start an affiliate business targeting a specific niche. This really is the way to do affiliate marketing today.

You can turn your small niche site into an authority site over time as well. But when you are initially starting out you want to zero in on a very specific niche that gives you less competition.

For example starting a niche affiliate business on Internet marketing would not be the way to go. A better idea would be to target a specific are of Internet marketing such as using an autoresponder to get rich.

Niche marketing as an affiliate helps eliminate some of your competition and still sell products as an affiliate marketer.

3. Start your own blog around a passion you have. This is a great idea because if you enjoy it and never seems like work.

If your passion is also something that you are an expert at that's even better. This really is a great way to provide useful information and have fun at the same time.

The business side of it comes in selling advertising, selling affiliate products, creating your own products, and so on. Turning your blog into a profit center is something that does take time, but if it's something that you are passionate about you can enjoy doing it.

In summary these are three timely online business ideas that would be a good way for you to get started. The amount of money you make will come down to how you develop your business and the amount of effort that you are willing to put into it.

Great Content Is King In Building Your Website

To be a success with your website and in article marketing, you should be thinking 'Å“content is king' because It is the content that is giving the search engines something to look at. Many webmasters, and those new to writing for the web fail to realize this and don't put out the best content for their sites or articles that they could.

Using unique content is important in that the search engines will possibly rank your content higher in the results because it does not closely match what they see else where. It may not be true that the search engines only rank unique content but they will give it more precedence.

If you use an article rewriter such as Magic Article Rewriter, you can take an original article and turn it into many more different variations. This is one way to create more content with out it being all the same. These separate articles can be used on your website, blog or even for your e-mail content.

You can rewrite your article by hand but this can be very time consuming. If using an article rewriter you would be saving yourself valuable time that can be spent writing more articles and creating more websites. Time management can be very important if you don't have a lot of time to devote to your article marketing campaigns.

If you want to save even more time if you are submitting to article directories, try an article submitter. Once you get it set up, all you need to do is enter an article and it can send out the article in different versions.

The Benefits A Wireless Dog Fence Will Offer Both You And Your Furry Friend

Probably one of the greatest and more humane methods to contain your furry friend as well as coach your pet to stay in the boundaries of one's backyard is to use a wireless dog fence. There is no need to set up a traditional fence should you opt for one of these types of amazing and effective dog containment systems for your k9 friend. A wireless version of dog containment can help you keep the yard open while still having the capacity to establish boundaries for your four-legged friend to have some freedom. In the event that you do not possess the means, or simply are unable to set up a normal fence, and also wouldn't like to bury wire along the perimeter of your yard, then a wireless dog fence may be a terrific solution for you. If you feel this choice is perfect for your dog, ensure that you commit yourself to training your pet accordingly, or this can be a waste of your energy and can also reduce its humane way of dog containment.

A wireless dog fence comes with two basic elements, a transmitter and also a dog collar receiver. In lieu of requiring you to bury wires underground like with many other types of invisible fences, you simply will need a secure and also dry place to set up the wireless transmitter. The transmitter transmits radio impulses continuously to the training collar while the system is on and working. Whenever your dog makes an attempt to cross the boundary you set in the transmitter, an alert sound will be generated first anytime the boundary is approached, and then a soft static correction is supplied from the training collar in the event he / she continues further over the actual boundary. You are able to manage the particular level of shock applied to her, and that is good in case you may not be positive about how exactly humane these pet containment products tend to be. The electric shock is absolutely not intended to punish your dog, but instead discipline the dog and correct him or her from a bad habit, in this case proceeding too far. Inside the dog planet, canines discipline each other with their mouths whenever a rule is broken, and the static correction is no more damaging to your pet as compared to this, when used properly. Additionally it is no different than a correction you may give your pet using the leash during various other training exercises.

Prior to ordering and installing a wireless dog fence, make time to discover if it is the best decision regarding you and your canine. Investigate various products and in what way they operate. It will typically alleviate your mind if you have issues with this kind of training. Accurate study as well as training using dog containment systems will offer an entirely new world of independence for your canine accomplice, as well as provide you with the ease and comfort of realizing that your pet is going to be safe and sound in his / her very own yard.

Building A Solid Foundation Is How A Super Affiliate Gets Started

If your goal is to become a super affiliate there are a few tactics you will need to master and then pursue relentlessly.

One common definition of a "super affiliate" is: An affiliate who has the capabilities to generate a large percentage of an affiliate program's activity." Obviously that isn't easy to achieve and takes a considerable amount of time and energy.

Someone considered a Super Affiliate will typically account for more business than hundreds of others who have also signed on as a specific merchant's affiliate marketer. They are able to do this because they build a solid business base in addition to using tactics that produce great results.

Super affiliates generally also take advantage of two-tiered affiliate programs. These enable them to earn commissions from members of their affiliate team in addition to earning commissions from their own sales.

There are three main steps to follow and master to put you on the path to achieving Super Affiliate status. They are: creating a landing page; utilizing lead capture; and email marketing to your opt-in leads.

Without mastering these first you are very unlikely to achieve your super affiliate goals.

Your splash page gives the reader a chance to get to know you before actually buying anything. This is an extremely important step. You are competing with millions for affiliate business and you must be able to establish yourself as someone people can trust and rely on.

This is relationship building and attraction marketing. The landing page gives you time to develop relationships with your customers and turn them into long term ones.

If you use the page to provide good information and answer questions the odds of the visitor clicking through to your affiliate page increases. This will eventually lead to sales.

The next key aspect to becoming a super affiliate is to capture your visitor's names and email addresses. This is HUGE. If you don't do this you will probably never make contact with this potential buyer again, accounting for an unknown loss of sales.

When you develop your list of names you have a gold mine in your hands. And a gold mine needs constant prospecting. These people may not buy from you initially or even up to the fifth or tenth time.

But by continuing to stay in touch with them you increase your chances for an eventual sale and for additional sales once they do buy.

That segues into the next step which is email marketing. It's imperative that you follow up immediately after they initially subscribe and then continuously from then on. Your follow up emails should include everything from beneficial information to occasional FREE offerings to items you are promoting.

To make this process possible and efficient it's imperative you use an auto responder to handle the constant and consistent follow up emails.

Essential Steps To Be Aware Of Before Launching Social Bookmarking Campaign

This may sound harder than other online tools like social networking but once you learn how to work things out then you will realize that these steps are actually very simple and easy to understand. The terms cites to the type of technique that is mostly applied by many of users to easily organize as well manage and share the lists that are enlisted on their bookmarks that are composed of useful online URLs. The bookmark serves as the reference to people who may need the information these contains.

Here's a brief overview on how you should go with the process.

Find the most popular and leading websites for this purpose then you should start following the steps on how you can create an account on these websites and to make it little easier you should be ready with your preferred public user name and password that you will be using to approach these websites. You should include a highly professional profile that presents you as sound, trustworthy and appealing that must include your URL to your blogs or websites to popularize yourself with how these websites work by spending time on each and browsing the manuals and other tools that may provide more leads.

You can easily get buttons that are available on the websites that will help you to place these on your own websites by doing these you can get more people to implement your posts on their bookmarks.

Closely analyze article as well as blogs/sites that have the highest bookmarks placed on them because this can make it easier for you to understand what kind of information your audience is looking for. It will be lot more comfortable for you to market yourself with whatever you've and once you are clear with the requirements of your intended marketing campaign.

When you are already familiar with the tools and how the bookmarking websites work, you should then start making your own lists that can be segregated reckoning on the specific information that can be gathered with each submission. By becoming highly engineered in this process it will also be easier for you to present vital details to your niche audience and to get this done you should type in the URL to the designated box after that you will fill out the description box. It is going to be important because you need to summate what the link is all about in a way that people are going to be understood it is indeed worth clicking and aside from the description you should also include the keywords and tags to index your submissions in an orderly manner.

Looking To Profit? Make Money With Websites Like This

You can make money with websites quickly if you follow this great technique and focus on mini sites.

At one time, everyone believed that you needed to build a huge website with hundreds of pages full of great content. That is no longer the case, although you certainly can benefit from such a site. It can offer a lot of value to its visitors who are seeking information. These are often called information websites that are less focused on selling products.

Today, mini sites are in. There is a reason for that.

In building large sites, you are limited by how much money you can make simply because of the time they take to create and maintain. Usually, a large site will sell several products in the same niche. Then, you would market the individual pages where you are selling those products, rather than promoting the main page.

The drawback to this approach is that the search engines tend to list your index page first, and then the pages that reflect what people are looking for. This usually is not the products you are offering. You need to promote those pages yourself if you want the search engines to index them.

Mini sites are easy and fast to build. Just add good material for the benefit of the SEs but put more attention on marketing the product pages. The content makes your site more relevant. Do this with many niches and you duplicate your ability to make money.

These small sites usually on have 5 pages or so that includes your index page, your About page, a Privacy page and 2 pages of helpful content.

These small sites target a small number of keywords which are inserted throughout the site naturally. When the search engines come around, they will soon see that your site is offering what the searcher is seeking.

While you can use such sites to promote in different niches, you can also build them to target different sets of keywords. For instance, each site can promote a different product in the same niche using alternative keywords. This increases your chances of coming up in the search results.

Keeping these mini sites up to date is much more time and energy efficient. Besides, you can gain a top position in the search results for your keyword choices.

Many marketers begin by selling affiliate products because they don't have to worry about all the behind-the-scenes work, like updating the product and dealing with customer issues.

Once they start making money regularly through affiliate sales, they decide they'd rather have their own products and keep all the profits for themselves. They still sell affiliate products, but as extra products that enhance their own to maximize their sales potential.

If you truly want to make money with websites, this is a proven approach that has made many marketers a hefty income.

How To Make Money Online From Home And Maximise Your Results

The world is full of people who wish that they were able to make money online from home. Some people feel that they are stuck in dead end jobs and are desperate for a change and other people have been unfortunate enough to have lost their jobs and need to generate an income in order to take care of their families.

One thing is for certain though, no matter how you decide you are going to make money online from home, in the beginning it is always very difficult to decide upon a clear direction and actually put your plans into action. There are always many things to consider in the ever-changing world of online business.

The first thing you will need to do is develop a great marketing strategy for your new business. The one thing many business owners have a problem with is deciding which strategy will work best for them. Considering all the different marketing tools and techniques available to help you make money online from home this is no wonder.
There are many free options available but there are also options such as Pay Per Click advertising that have the potential to earn you a fortune but at the same time lose you a fortune if you don't know what you are doing.

One mistake many people make when they first set out to make money online from home is using too broad a marketing strategy. They get so excited about the different ways they can advertise their products and services that they end up spreading themselves too thinly instead of mastering one strategy at a time and becoming proficient in it. Overall results turn out to be less than expected because they try to do too much at once. They quickly blow their marketing budget and they end up losing money before they have even made any.

The best way to move forward in your efforts to make money online from home is to choose one marketing strategy at a time, concentrate on it and become proficient at it. For example, if you have chosen article marketing as you strategy, commit yourself to writing at least five articles a day, five days a week. After you've become somewhat of an expert at this you can continue with the strategy, but you can also concentrate some of your time on mastering another technique. This way you will always get maximum results from your efforts and will not be throwing money away.

When you have mastered a few different marketing techniques you can bring them all together into one overall strategy and divide your time equally between them. A typical day may include one hour spent on social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, two hours spent writing articles and submitting them to article directories, one hour spent on your blog, one hour in the forums and discussion groups, and another hour on product development or improvement of your service.

Your strategy to make money online from home should consist of several different marketing techniques, however, if you are new to the business, start slowly and become an expert in one before moving to another. This will be the key to your success and keep your hared earned money in your pocket.

Having the patience and willingness to learn all the different aspects of online business is without a doubt the best strategy to move forward and be able to successfully make money online from home. There is no quick and easy money to be made on the Internet. It requires hard work, commitment and sometimes a lot of trial and error.


Examples Of Effective Tweets On Twitter

While there are no rules for tweets on Twitter such as there are in English for when to use various sentence constructions, there are better practices for tweets.

And I often I notice someone who has missed an opportunity to share valuable information because of not utilizing these better practices.

Here's an example of an ineffective tweet on Twitter:

Someone tweeted in a reply: Great article -- thank you.

Only problem is that links to two different articles had been tweeted within the previous half hour. Which article was being referred to? And why not share the link of that article in the person's tweet so others can read this "great article"?

I see this type of missed opportunity over and over again. Someone will send a public reply to someone else with a great article link. The second person will respond thanking the person for the link BUT WITHOUT PROVIDING THE ARTICLE LINK IN THE THANK-YOU TWEET.

And then I get annoyed for two reasons:

1) It's a missed opportunity for the person sending the original link as well as the person saying thank you.

2) Now I can't read the article myself because there's no link attached.

Now what about the other end of the spectrum? The people who only engage in Twitter by tweeting their own blog links. These people are not truly participating on Twitter, and anyone checking out their profile can tell this easily by seeing that all the tweets are blog links.

Let's now look at an effective tweet on Twitter that doesn't have a link:

Not all your tweets must have links; for balance you do want to occasionally tweet without a link. Yet even here you want to give some thought to what you are tweeting.

For example, before I saw the movie "Invictus" I tweeted that I was about to go see it. I did not include a link - people could figure out for themselves where to look up a review of the movie - yet I tweeted this as an offset to my many tweets with links. I wanted to tweet something personal but not something mundane such as how late I got up today.

As you read the tweets you receive in your Twitter stream, think about which ones you appreciate the most and which ones annoy you the most. Then try to emulate the former and eliminate the latter in your own tweets.

Killer Tips To Help You Quit Smoking

There are many numbers of people in this world who are greatly addicted towards smoking. Some of those people are desperate to quit smoking but often they end up without reaching their goal due to lack of proper plan. With the help of carefully planned schedule it is greatly possible to quit smoking. The best way quit smoking is to ensure that the plan which you frame should be greatly feasible and achievable by you. Cigarettes contain a substance called nicotine towards which people fall greatly addictive. This substance causes great health hazards and thus it becomes more important to stop the usage of this substance.

The first thing to realize is that benefits which you will get by quitting the habit of smoking. Basically there are two reasons due to which people are not able to quit the habit of smoking since they are greatly addicted towards it such that they forget to set a goal about quitting this process. The other people are those who derive great level of happiness through the process of smoking. It is therefore a significant step itself to set a goal to quit smoking and you are on the right track. You can remind yourself about the various advantages you will be getting upon quitting the smoking habit. There are tremendous levels of improvement which will take in the human body when you quit the process of smoking.

It is proved that the blood circulation will retain to the normal level within twenty minutes from the time you stop smoking, the carbon mono oxide level will come back to normal state within two hours, the risk of any heart diseases becomes half within one year from the date of stopping to smoke and most important thing to note the risks to various health hazards will become same as that of normal person within ten years from the date you quit smoking. Hence all the above facts and research statements will greatly influence to set a mindset about stopping to smoke. Many people have in fact succeeded to achieve this goal by mainly realizing the wide benefits that are being produced by this.

You must also set a date from which you will be able to stop smoking. Please make sure that the date you set for quitting the habit of smoking will be making yourself busy. You can preferably set a date in which you will be having large amount of works to carry out. You can also brief your friends and relatives about the new set goal and this will also be of great use in fulfilling your wish. Friends and relatives can help you to stop smoking in a significant manner by motivating you for a long period of time.

Thus by using all the above tips it is greatly possible to quit smoking in a considerable manner. There are many people who have been able to achieve this goal and return to their normal health in a very fast manner.

7 Ways To Track Your Competition Online

The ancient Chinese wise man, Sun Tzu, once said: "If you are ignorant of both your enemy and yourself, then you are a fool and certain to be defeated in every battle." SunTzu was talking about the military battlefield and not the business battlefield. But if Sun Tzu was a businessman today, he would be thrilled with all the information he could find out about his enemies on the internet.

Business owners have traditionally turned to their marketing department for information on competitors. Now they are better off turning to their webmaster. In fact, one of the first things your webmaster should be asking you is who your top three competitors are.
his kind of information comes at a price. Run a Google search on "competitive intelligence" and over 11,000 results show up. There are literally thousands of consultants who will help you identify and gather information on the competition but it will cost you dearly. Save your money. Here are 7 ways you can be your own online intelligence gatherer and it won't cost anything but time. Because as another ancient wise man once said: "A fool and his money are soon parted."
Check Back Links

A recent survey by the Pew Research found that only 50 percent of internet users actually use a search engine everyday. So what is driving traffic to a website? The answer - back links. In other words, other sites that link to your competition. Find out the back links from your competitor's site and get linked from these sites as well. You will increase your traffic dramatically.
Look at Keywords

Take a look at the competition's keywords. This is easy information to get from sites like Key Word Density. Another way is to look at the code of their websites. This isn't difficult. Go to the site and click on "View" at the top of the browser, then click "Source" or "Page Source." A page of HTML code will open and the keywords will be revealed in the code near the top of the page.
Monitor Traffic

Just as you are monitoring unique visitors, length of stay, most viewed pages, and where visitors are coming from on your website, follow these same rules on your competitor's site. You can find this information by going to Quantcast or Alexa.
Google Alerts

Google alerts allows users to set up alerts with keywords and phrases that trigger an email notification every time that word or phrase shows up on a site, blog or press release. For example, if you interested in a competitor, set up a Google alert on that company and their top executives and you will be notified every time they are mentioned online.
Monitor Twitter

It is time to get acquainted or re-acquainted with Twitter for your corporate spying. This is the place where industry buzz starts. It is where you hear the first low rumble of something that is about to happen. But you can't just watch, you have to participate. Try to update your Tweets on a daily basis. If you are too busy to do this, use TweetLater, one of the best apps out there for accomplishing this.
Monitor Movement

You can learn a lot about a company just by reading their "About Us" page and monitoring their job listings. If your competitor is an auto parts company and they just hired a new CEO with a background in marketing, that may be a clue about how they plan to increase sales. If a company has several listings for jobs in another state, chances are it is expanding or relocating there. If the online bios of the top executives are vague, you can research them on professional networking sites like Linkedin or Plaxo.
RSS Feeds

If all this sounds like too many channels of information to monitor on a regular basis, RSS feeds are a good solution. Many experts are fans of feeds for intelligence gathering. You can keep up with industries, customers, and competitors by feeding things like Google Alerts, Twitter, and all of your other RSS feeds into one feed. MySyndicaat has very effective tools for doing this.

The Smart Decision In Choosing Custom Website Design

Let's face it being online with your business just isn't good enough in this day and age. The internet is saturated with pages and what gets attention is a website that is not only good looking but highly functional. A cookie cutter design will bore the viewer. Having a custom website design will get your pages noticed and your business activated to the level of expectation your dreaming of.

Just as you studied and have a passion for your chosen career a designer who creates web pages is familiar with their drive. They seek to give originality and leave their mark on the world with the pages they create. It is not a chore to them it is an artful skill. This is the type of designer that you want in your corner.

This is the investment in the look and feel of your business and its online presence. There are many reasons more than this for your benefit and why you should consider a custom website design for you.

Competition: You are in competition for the viewers of the internet. To catch the eye of the viewer you will need a look and feel that is original as well as practical for the person who chooses your site. A designer knows the net and will create a look for your company that is one of a kind.

Communication: Your site needs to effectively communicate who you are and what you do in an original way. It also needs to be easy to navigate for the viewer. Pages need to be legible and communicative with good copy that doesn't just say blah, blah, blah.<

Professionalism: Everyone seems to think that they can design a web page these days. The truth is they can. But do you want your site to look homemade? I am guessing the answer is no. You want your site to reflect the professional you are no matter what size your company is.

Branding: Your website needs to with out any doubt states who you are as a company presence. Branding is the way that a company does this. The website needs to be an extension of the branding that you are creating for your product or your service. When a customer sees your site they need to instantaneously remember that this is who you are and remember who you are with its image.

Creativity: Let's not get too serious. Whatever your business is you need to represent yourself with all of the above in a creative way. This will enable you to stand out above the competition, communicate your professionalism and brand who you are. Using technology in a fun and creative way will do all of this. A web designer has the skills to get you to that level.

If you want to get serious about your online presence then you need to think seriously about your website design. You may have ideas but let a professional take your ideas to the next level. Trust their creativity with your vision. You can find many designers online and see sample of their work.

Satellite Internet For Small Business Owners

It's never easy making the decision to start your own business, but the payoff can be amazing when you realize you're a) your own boss, b) love what you do, and c) have successfully started something that looks to have probable staying power and increase your income. However, before you can feel the benefits of owning your own business you have a long and bumpy road ahead of you. There are so many questions you need to make decisions on before you can even start. Location is of course important, but with the internet there's an entirely different market now opened to you. Making decisions on an internet provider can also be hectic. With so many options and variety in service the decision making process can be overwhelming. Fortunately, with the right provider you can have high-speed and reliable internet service in more places. Particularly if you're in a smaller town, your reliance on the outside markets can make the internet an extremely important tool.

Dial-up internet is simply not an option when you want to establish an efficient and well-run business. First, the time it takes to upload pictures of products, reply to order requests, and stay in constant contact with clients becomes unmanageable. Everyone uses the internet for communication, and if you aren't able to provide fast and reliable service you're going to lose potential long-term customers. Second, dial-up takes up an entire phone line, slowing another source of communication. However, for a long time dial-up was the only option if you wanted internet in more rural areas.

Now there's satellite internet, rural American business owners' solution to the slow-internet crisis. Satellite internet offers speeds up to thirty times faster than dial-up and unlike broadband or DSL is available anywhere in the contiguous U.S. So instead of having to open a business in more populated areas simply to be able to access high-speed internet, now you can start your own business anywhere in the country and be assured of fast and reliable internet.

Good providers know that not everyone uses the internet for the same reason. As a business-owner, as your business expands you'll want the ability to upgrade to faster plans and be able to connect multiple computers. The right provider will be able to offer more packages with a range of prices depending on what you can afford. Maybe when you first start off, all you can handle is a system that offers the ability to e-mail and build your clientele. Hopefully, as business grows you'll be able to upgrade your package, choosing a plan that has more space and helps you develop a webpage and start developing customers all over the country. As business expands you'll be able to upgrade to a plan that offers the ability to upload and download larger files and connect more than just one computer. With the right satellite internet provider your business will be in good hands and with a better chance of long-term success.
in Internet


Increase Sales By Hiring A Web Site Designer

Professionals such as doctors, dentists and lawyers and service establishments that operate offline also need a web site designer to build a web site which will grow their practise or business.

What a web site can do for your offline business

Increase sales

Having a web page can create a worldwide awareness of your business or products. You can reach a wider marketplace on the Internet with a website. Even if you do not conduct any selling activity online, listing your contact information and store address in a static web page will help prospective clients find you.

Reduce costs

Your web site can serve as the virtual showroom of your products without incurring high overhead costs for rent, utilities, and employees' salaries. Bricks and mortar businesses can show pictures of their operations and products while service professionals can show samples of their work online - Online marketing costs much less than advertising with a full page newspaper ad.
You can reduce or eliminate traditional paper marketing tools such as newsletters, product announcements and promotional literature by making the same information available on your web site. More professionals are using their own websites to provide paid advice online and to distribute information products like e-Books and training videos.

Conduct market research

Your web site designer can add an "opt in" box to your page which you can use to gather information from potential customers and site visitors. You can also conduct online surveys by posting a questionnaire that your visitors can complete by selecting from a multiple list of answers or by providing their own answers. Analysing survey results is quick and inexpensive using statistical tools that you can find on the Internet.

Improve customer service

Your web site can be used to answer common questions about your products and your business by posting a series of frequently asked questions and adding an "About" page. A web site can also be used to provide after sales service by posting instruction manuals and troubleshooting guides and by adding an online form for submitting inquiries, reporting problems and making customer service requests.

A website is indispensable in any business as people are increasingly turning to the Internet to answer most of their needs. A web site can do so much for your business to help it grow. For best results, you should hire a web site designer service with proven results to build it for you.

What To Expect If You Are An Affiliate Marketing Newbie

An affiliate marketing newbie is somebody who is new to the affiliate marketing business model. At one time or another we were all newbies so it is nothing for you to be afraid of.

However there are a few things you can expect to find if you are new to affiliate marketing and we will briefly go over those in this article.

1. You are going to experience a learning curve so do not let that frustrate you. Making money with affiliate marketing takes skills and you will have to educate yourself on those.

As long as you possess average intelligence these are all things that you can learn to do. How diligent you are in applying yourself will determine how steep your learning curve is.

2. You can shorten your learning time by surrounding yourself with successful affiliate marketers. One way to do that is to hang out in discussion forums and learn what other marketers are doing to be successful.

You can hang in the shadows and read the various threads. You can also participate directly by asking questions that you want answers to.

3. Another thing you can do to shorten your learning curve is purchase professional affiliate marketing training. There are extremely comprehensive courses you can purchase in hard copy format that will cost you over $1000.

You can also purchase less expensive training in the form of ebooks, videos, reports, and so on. The advantage of purchasing this type of training is the quality is usually very high and you can get a lot out of it.

4. Probably the best way to receive training on affiliate marketing is to join a membership site that specializes in helping people become successful affiliate marketers. One of the nice things about this is your learning curve goes way down because you get access to professional Internet marketers.

Most of these have a private forum which allows you to receive more personal attention. You usually get access to the owners via email as well.

Surprisingly these types of membership sites are not that expensive in comparison to the return you get back from them. If you are really serious about making a lot of money on the Internet this is money well spent.

5. Ultimately you will determine how you want to build your own affiliate marketing business. There isn't necessarily one right way to do it.

The best advice I can give you is find a niche that you enjoy and work in it first. As you begin to build your business do the things that you like best and go ahead and outsource the rest to freelancers.

These are a few tips on what to expect and how to deal with those of you are an affiliate marketing newbie!

Which Cat Bed For My Cat?

Cats are creatures who like nothing more than having a really good nap. Different cats develop different sleeping habits so there is no '˜one size fits all' when it comes to cat beds. Fortunately, we live in an age when variety is king, so, when purchasing a new cat bed, the following beds are some of the more popular options available:

Thermo Bed The thermo bed plugs into the mains and has a heating unit deep in the base which warms the cosy cat lying in it. Older cats and cats which suffer from aches and pains will especially like this bed.

Pyramid Cat Bed Ideal for cats who like to snuggle under covers and sleep on very soft surfaces. The pyramid bed has a very soft cushioned bottom and is structured to look like a tent offering a retreat for the cat who likes to be hidden. This bed is kept in place by a skid resistant bottom.

Cats are creatures who like nothing more than having a really good nap. Different cats develop different sleeping habits so there is no '˜one size fits all' when it comes to cat beds. Fortunately, we live in an age when variety is king, so, when purchasing a new cat bed, the following beds are some of the more popular options available:

Thermo Bed The thermo bed plugs into the mains and has a heating unit deep in the base which warms the cosy cat lying in it. Older cats and cats which suffer from aches and pains will especially like this bed.

Pyramid Cat Bed Ideal for cats who like to snuggle under covers and sleep on very soft surfaces. The pyramid bed has a very soft cushioned bottom and is structured to look like a tent offering a retreat for the cat who likes to be hidden. This bed is kept in place by a skid resistant bottom.

Chaise Cat Bed This cat bed is very low to the floor, so there is no climbing necessary for older or sick cats. The scalloped back and sides are high enough to give the cat a feeling of warmth and security. This cat bed is made of acrylic and polyester fibres.

Burrow Bed Best suited for the cat who likes to burrow, as it designed with smaller cats in mind. It has a fleece sleeping surface and very high back and sides to help keep out drafts.

Scratch & Massage Cat Bed This is the perfect bed for cats that like to sleep on hard surfaces and who also like to scratch and sharpen their claws. This cat bed is lined in rippled cardboard that allows a cat to scratch to his heart's content. The walls of this bed are lined with liquid and flaked catnip.


A Case For Why Email Marketing Is The Best Online Home Business

Email marketing is extremely popular promotion method among online home business owners. Why is that? What makes email marketing so attractive? It is impossible to list all of the reasons in one article but here are couple of them.

1. Using email marketing you can automate almost 100% of your marketing efforts. Using a quality autoresponder such as Aweber or GetResponse allows you to build a large mailing list in a very hands off fashion.

You can pre-program follow up messages to offer information on any product or home business opportunity you are promoting. In fact, it is possible to pre-program your messages out for several months or even years in advance.
Whenever you have something new to promote you can type up your message and send it to thousands of people with the click of one button. Getting your business automated will give you much more free time than you would ever have with other types of home businesses.

2. You can change product offerings at any time. As long as you stay relevant to the theme of your email list you will never run out of things to promote.

You can join multiple home business opportunities and promote them. You can promote almost anything to your list whether it is some affiliate product or online business program you recommend them to join.

An excellent way to build relationships and earn your subscribers trust is sending them free gifts now and then. You can pretty much offer anything you want at any time.

3. You can give yourself a raise at a moments notice. If you need more money you can send an offer to your list and just wait for the money coming in.

If you are able to earn $1 for every subscriber you have every month, then to give yourself a 10% raise you just need to increase the size of your mailing list by 10%. Try getting a raise in other forms of businesses in this economy.

4. You can do it anywhere in the world. All you need is a computer with internet access to do email marketing. As your list matures you can travel all over the world and you only need to take your computer with you.

One Of The Best Ways For Teenagers To Make Money Online

The Job market for teenagers has become tougher with so many adults losing their jobs recently. Fortunately there are some great ways for teenagers to make money online.

One of the best ways is to sell stuff on Craigslist. Craigslist is like having a garage sale but doing so online. It's much easier than hosting an actual outdoor garage sale because you don't have to drag everything out and then back in at the end of the day.

This is one of the best ways for teenagers to make money online because many parents have stuff to get rid of but just don't have time to do it. Teens can write the descriptions of the items for sale and place them in the correct Craigslist category.

It is also essential for all items to be sold to have a picture in the ad as well. It's a known fact that items sell quicker if a picture is included. This is another excellent responsibility for teens. This gives teens a chance to work on advetising and writing skills.

Once you've exhausted your supply of things to sell around the house then you must get resourceful to find other things to sell. You can go around your neighborhood and ask your neighbors if they have anything of value needing discarded.

You can also search Craigslist's FREE section. Be somewhat careful here as you don't want to end up with a bunch of people's junk that won't sell.

You might get the items from your neighbors for very cheap or even free. You can then turn around and sell them. Or you can also offer to sell the items on Craigslist for your neighbors and make a cut of the sale. This gives you experience at negotiating skills.

Most Craigslist sales are completed at the home of the seller. For this reason all teens should make sure an adult is present when the buyer comes to get the item. You and your parents can also meet the buyer at a public place (e.g. grocery store parking lot) if you don't want them coming to your house.

Three words of advice concerning Craigslist sales: Unless the buyer is someone you trust you be sure make it known that the sale is based on a first come first serve basis. It's not unusual for people to not show up and you don't want to be stuck with items you could have sold to someone else.

Second word of advice: Only accept cash or money orders. Too many people will take advantage of you and write bum checks.

Third word of advice: Make sure the buyer knows that items are non returnable and all sales are final. For that reason if you're selling electronics or anything with a motor, show the buyer that it works before they leave with the item.

Making Your Ppc Campaign A Success

There are many methods of marketing but pay per click marketing is a very good way of getting your company publicised in a short space of time. You can increase business but only if your campaign is planned and executed with care and attention to detail. Each stage should be carefully managed and your adverts well written. Do however, be aware that pay per click can drain your budget very quickly if not properly managed.

Begin with taking a look at your website, is it easy to navigate? Is the copy well written and interesting? Does it engage the visitor? These are 3 questions worth considering before commencing your campaign because you will need to keep visitors interested and make life as easy for them as possible, otherwise your visitors will not stay on the site and therefore no sales will ensue.
You will need to do a thorough keyword and key phrase research report so that you are fully aware of what terms are being searched and you can then construct your campaigns in a logical manner. By doing this research, you will also be able to thread these keywords and key phrases into the copy on your website, which will also assist with organic listings. Once you have a good range of keywords and key phrases, you will be able to devise attractive individual adverts containing said keywords or phrases. It is important to construct landing pages for each group. Remember that relevance is vital to the success of your ppc campaign, so be very rigid about keeping your adverts and your landing pages very relevant to individual groups, after all visitors will be looking for something specific and if they don't find it, they will leave and you will have wasted money as each click costs money.

Once you have your adverts and landing pages written, you can begin your marketing strategy. Take care when setting click costs, do not go for the number one spot as this could be very costly, instead aim to be around number four. Don't worry, you will still be on page one of the search engine, but you won't be paying as much as the one who is top. The whole idea is to increase traffic at minimal cost. Test all your adverts thoroughly, this is an area often neglected so don't fall down here.

Do make sure you study the tracking data as this will tell you what is working and what is not and you can see how much each conversion is costing you. This will allow you to streamline your groups and your adverts to make maximum gains and minimize the costs as much as possible. You will also be able to delete the groups which are not working.

By having a focussed and well managed ppc campaign, you will receive more high quality clicks and you will gain higher quality scores. This in turn could lead to new business which is what the whole exercise is about. So, careful planning can lead to a very successful ppc campaign.


Learn How Facebook Can Help You Advertise Your Business

When the Web 2.0 phenomenon starting gaining popularity and momentum, social networking began to catch up fast as well. While MySpace started out as a leader, Facebook has now bypassed it to be the social network everyone uses. Facebook has become an online home to many people of all ages. Facebook tears down walls separating people and lets them come together sociably in a common forum. This has proven beneficial to online marketers since it gives them a very effective and civil way to contact people with an interest in their products. In order to maximize your marketing plan and increase your online business, you need to include social media tools such as Facebook. Countless numbers of socializers come to Facebook to meet new people, chatter with old friends, play games, and pass pleasant hours in various other ways. With the amount of time that the average person dedicates to social networking, they still have time leftover to visit business sites and check out products and services as well. I am going to show you in this article different ways you can use Facebook in your promotions and tell you how it can make your business more successful.

Social Ads is Facebook's very own method of advertising; you won't find a better way to get to your customers. It's simple to have a Social Ad based ad campaign, since it's so easy to pick up on. You can target your ads using different demographics such as age, gender, interest, location, etc. The high level of customization offered to you affords you the opportunity to not waste time and money on annoyances like accidental clicks and window shoppers. You click through rate will be excellent since the only people that so do will be individuals that are intrigued by what you are offering. You can get even higher visibility by adding a picture to your advertisement. This will draw eyes to your ad and also allows you a chance to increase the faith that customers have in your company. In addition to a picture, the content of your ad copy is just as important. There's no point in placing an ad if it doesn't contain useful information or attract people's attention. You must take care to design it carefully nd test it among target groups, if possible.<

Even though Facebook has its Social Ads service, there are other ways to market your business on the social networking site. This would be through the Facebook groups and pages. Putting information in these places is a surefire to make your product go viral - and to make the most of the social network. The first step, naturally, is to actually create the group/page that reflect on your business and informs users about it. After you've done this, invite friends who will in turn invite their friends to join your group, or sign up with your business page as fans. You must have a group already established to invite people to join it. If you would rather deal with operating a fan page you need to know that you will be responsible for directing people to it. The important things is that by developing a presence on Facebook that people can't ignore, there's a good chance you'll get the responses you desire.

Thanks to your ability to reach millions of users, Facebook can help your business to reach new heights. Even if you don't have a budget, Facebook offers gratuitous methods for driving traffic to your site.

3 Reasons To Use Online Marketing Software Or A Friend Adding Software

Social media sites have given people in the world an excellent means to communicate whenever and wherever they want. These sites have made globalization more than just a trend as it defies boundaries among nations. Social media sites offer a great means to communicate with your loved ones; it also affects online marketing largely, if done appropriately.

Social networking sites are now also used as a way to do networking in which online entrepreneurs can have massive traffic and generate high quality leads. If you want to take advantage of social networking sites, you can avail of social media software or friend adding software to help your business grow.

Web 1.0 is just about you giving information to readers, it was a one way communication, while Web 2.0 is about communication and allowing users to air out whatever they want to share. Read on to get to know three online marketing software programs or friend adding software programs : Twitter Friend Adder, Friend Blaster Pro, Tube Blaster Pro.

Twitter Friend Adder - Twitter Friend Adding Software

If you think Twitter is only like a public diary that can hardly drive huge traffic for your site, you have to think again. About a year ago, this social media site got a whopping 664% increase in the number of worldwide users. It has been predicted to become the number one social networking site by next year.

Considering this fact, you might be missing a lot if you do not market on Twitter. Hence, you should avail of Twitter friend adder software which can help you add followers to your Twitter profile. You can even un-follow those who turn their back on your profile. To avail of this online marketing software is not at all physically taxing because you only have to turn it on, allow it to run on its own while you read messages, replying on them, thinking about marketing techniques, and doing other stuff.

Friend Blaster Pro (MySpace) - MySpace Friend Adding Software

Thinking about 250,000,000 people who visit MySpace regularly will definitely make you think that this site can provide a lucrative space for your business. It is indeed true if you make use of Friend Blaster Pro, (= MySpace friend adder bot), which can help you invite people to sign up to your business as you wield your marketing strategies on the site. This social media software program can help you automate a number of processes which your business highly needs in order to gain more monetary profits. These include sending friend requests to other users, accepting requests, giving comments on other users' profiles, among others.

Tube Blaster Pro - YouTube Friend Adding Software

If you think YouTube is only about sharing your most treasured videos on the net, then it is about time that you should know it is one of the best marketing tools on the net nowadays. As a matter of fact, it is the third most visited site on the net worldwide. This only means that it is a very efficient means of driving huge traffic to your site and generating quality leads for your business.

For you to get the most out of YouTube, you have to make use of Tube Blaster Pro, the YouTube friend adder, as it allows you to automate a lot of processes like accepting friend requests, sending friend requests, leaving comments, and many others.

This is a short overview of top quality online marketing software that will help you grow your online business and certainly make your life as an online marketer easier cause it automates a lot of processes.


Electronic Pet Feeder

If you often find yourself having to work late or can not always be home at the same time to make sure your cat or dog is being fed consistently, you will feel much better if you can use an Electronic Pet Feeder. Every time you worry about your poor dog or cat at home hungrily awaiting his supper, having one of these handy gadgets will put your mind at ease and make Fido or Tabby happy as well. You can go hours without worrying about your pets at home getting the nutrition they need.

While there are many types of electronic pet feeders available, one in particular is the The Precise Portion Electronic Pet Feeder. This model will hold up to ten pounds of dry pet food in its tank. Depending on the size of your animal you may need to fill it anywhere from once a week to once every other day. Once it is full, all you need to do is set it to the exact amounts you want it to dispense and how many times a day.

The pet feeder can dispense your pet's food one to three times a day and can be programmed in 1/4 cup increments. Your pets will never over eat because an electronic pet feeder will only dispense what you tell it too. And your beloved pets will still get to eat even when you're not there. Then on those mornings when you find yourself frantically getting ready for work or just forget to fill the food dish you'll know this feeder will take care of it for you. One of these pet feeders might also be handy to have if you have a dog or cat with health problems that needs to be kept on a strict, portion-controlled diet because you know it will always dispense precise amounts.

The Precise Portion Feeder does feature an electronic LCD display right on the food tray, however this feature may vary depending on the model. The display requires three D batteries and is very easy to read and program. The food tray is dishwasher safe as well. Keep your pets healthy and happy even when you can't be there every hour. Just don't forget to fill the feeder once it starts getting low.

How To Use Electronic Cigarettes To Quit Smoking

From when they were first introduced up to know, there are divided reactions about electronic cigarettes. There are many who believe that they are not effective, but many are also convinced that they can fulfill the purposes that they are made to do. One of those purposes is to serve as aide in quitting smoking.

Different from traditional cigarettes, no tobacco is used with smokeless cigarettes. Because of that, they are able to produce benefits for the health. Those health benefits specifically refer to them being less harmful as they produce no smoke and release no carcinogens when used. In addition, they are being a help to the environment as that in turn decreases pollution.

However, there is still another health benefit that the said new smoking devices can give that attracts more smokers. And that is being able to help users successfully stop smoking. Just like the other health benefits, this one is possible because of the absence of tobacco.

To be able to provide the same smoking sensation with traditional cigarettes and be safer alternatives at the same time, e-cigs use e-liquid. The said solution is basically made up of nicotine diluted in glycerin. It could be in different flavors and the nicotine in a solution could be in various amounts. Because of that, the control over the amount of nicotine taken in is given to the user, making it a big help to quit smoking.

However, having an electronic cigarette alone is not enough to really be able to quit smoking. You have to know how to use it and here are the steps that you need to take.
1.Identify the e-liquid that you want to use. That is, know the flavor and the nicotine level you are comfortable with. From the nicotine level you have identified, gradually lower it until you can tolerate using an e-liquid with zero nicotine.

2. Know how to refill the device. If you know how to personally refill your e-cig, you will be able to use it anytime, anywhere. That keeps you away from being tempted to use real cigarettes whenever you have the urge to smoke.

3.Be disciplined. Keep your eyes on your goal of quitting smoking. Stick to the plan of gradually lowering down the nicotine level on the e-liquid that you are using and not be tempted to do the reverse. Read more...

Writing The Resource Box So It Makes People Click

The internet is the information highway, this phrase has been used so may time it should be nominated for the Internet Clich Award. People that go to the internet are subdivided into groups, but generally, they are out to search information. Whether for gaming, business, fun or anything else the internet has provided us with information that has proved to be very beneficial.

Through the recent years many people have learned the secrets of Search Engine Optimization. More and more sites have seen the effects articles have done for the traffic of their sites. Some have even created sites devoted entirely to providing articles that could be read by their website visitors and have links that could lead to many sites that are related to the topics and subjects of the articles.

For example, the sites may feature many articles about a whole lot of topics. As a website visitor reads the articles they have searched for, they can find at the end of the article a resource box that can be clicked on to link them to the site that has submitted the article. Of course the article would be in relation to the site. Lets say if the article is about rotating the tires, the resource box may lead to a link to a site that sells tires or car parts.

A resource box is what you usually find at the end of an article. They will contain the name of the author, a brief description of the author, a brief description of the sponsoring site and a link. If a reader likes what they read, they would have the tendency to find out where the article came from to read more. The resource bow will be their link to the source of the article and this will entice them to go to the site and do some more reading or research for the subject or topic they are interested in.

But like the article itself, the resource box must also be eye-catching to demand the attention and interest of the reader. While the resource bow encompasses only a small space, providing the right keywords and content for your resource box will provide more prodding for the reader to go to your site.

Now we know what resource boxes are, what are the benefits of having a good resource box? Mainly its driving traffic to your site. Many sites would allow articles to be placed in their sites because they can make use of the articles to fill their pages. They also get affiliation with other sites that can be beneficial for them as well. For the sponsoring site, when you get people to click on your resource box, you generate traffic that can be counted upon as potential customers.

So what would be a good content for your resource box? Basically it is keywords, learning about the proper keywords that people are mainly searching for. There are many tools you can find in the internet that can help you in determining what keywords to use.

Resource boxes can also make use of all the creativity it can get. You only get a small space for your resource box so you better make the most of it. Try to catch the attention of your reader with resource box content that can make them give a second look. Unlike TV ads, you don't have visual aids to drive your point in. But you do have the power of imagination of a reader. With the right content, you can make them think and intrigued.

Another tip is to use keywords that should be related to your site. Do not mislead your potential website visitors. Build your credibility so that more people would get enticed to visit your site and browse what you have to offer. Make the people click your resource box by providing resource box content that makes a lasting impression. You only get one chance to wow them and hundreds of chances to repulse them.

Never underestimate the power of the resource box. It may be small in size but they will provide a significant aid in driving traffic to your site. A boring resource box will never get a job done. Be fun and creative but at the same time show that you have a great deal to offer, too much to ask for something that couldn't fit a paragraph? Yes and no, there are many tips and guides that can help you in doing this, the first step is realizing how important a resource box could be in making people click your link and be directed to your site. Read more...


Apa itu PTC

PTC adalah Singkatan dari Paid to Click atau dlm bahasa indonesianya Klik Dibayar. Lo kok bisa ??? iya, anda tinggal mengklik link di website PTC. Tapi syaratnya anda harus jadi member dulu. Gratis kok. Nah, ini saya bagi info PTC indonesia yang dibayar pake rupiah. Cukup internetan pake warnet ato yg unlimited, browsing2 sambil ngeklik’in PTC lumayan lah…

Mau join ?

Buruan daftar. Sudah banyak yang dibayar kok. hItung-hitung ngumpulin receh.. hahaha…

Terus dibayar berapa per klik ? sekali klik anda rata-rata cuma dibayar 100 rupiah../$0.01 Yah kecil dong ?? Ya iya… sehari aja paling cm 4 iklan saja. Makanya ikutin program PTC yang lainnya. Nantikan info selanjutnya.


Kalo anda ikut PTC di luar negeri juga dibayar 100 rupiah / klik. Rata2 1 website ada 20 iklan. Ikut aja sekitar 50 PTC. Anggap saja kursnya 100 rupiah.

20 iklan x 30 hari x 50 PTC x 100 rupiah = 3 jt / bulan.
anda mau coba,,,link-link ptcnya ada disidebar sebelah kiri anda tinggal klik..daftar and.....MAKE YOUR MONEY