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Building A Solid Foundation Is How A Super Affiliate Gets Started

If your goal is to become a super affiliate there are a few tactics you will need to master and then pursue relentlessly.

One common definition of a "super affiliate" is: An affiliate who has the capabilities to generate a large percentage of an affiliate program's activity." Obviously that isn't easy to achieve and takes a considerable amount of time and energy.

Someone considered a Super Affiliate will typically account for more business than hundreds of others who have also signed on as a specific merchant's affiliate marketer. They are able to do this because they build a solid business base in addition to using tactics that produce great results.

Super affiliates generally also take advantage of two-tiered affiliate programs. These enable them to earn commissions from members of their affiliate team in addition to earning commissions from their own sales.

There are three main steps to follow and master to put you on the path to achieving Super Affiliate status. They are: creating a landing page; utilizing lead capture; and email marketing to your opt-in leads.

Without mastering these first you are very unlikely to achieve your super affiliate goals.

Your splash page gives the reader a chance to get to know you before actually buying anything. This is an extremely important step. You are competing with millions for affiliate business and you must be able to establish yourself as someone people can trust and rely on.

This is relationship building and attraction marketing. The landing page gives you time to develop relationships with your customers and turn them into long term ones.

If you use the page to provide good information and answer questions the odds of the visitor clicking through to your affiliate page increases. This will eventually lead to sales.

The next key aspect to becoming a super affiliate is to capture your visitor's names and email addresses. This is HUGE. If you don't do this you will probably never make contact with this potential buyer again, accounting for an unknown loss of sales.

When you develop your list of names you have a gold mine in your hands. And a gold mine needs constant prospecting. These people may not buy from you initially or even up to the fifth or tenth time.

But by continuing to stay in touch with them you increase your chances for an eventual sale and for additional sales once they do buy.

That segues into the next step which is email marketing. It's imperative that you follow up immediately after they initially subscribe and then continuously from then on. Your follow up emails should include everything from beneficial information to occasional FREE offerings to items you are promoting.

To make this process possible and efficient it's imperative you use an auto responder to handle the constant and consistent follow up emails.

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